Gynecomastia in Turkey

Are you interested in gynecomastia in Turkey? If you are a man with woman-like breasts, Cosmetic-OP Turkey can help you feel comfortable in your body again. Get a free consultation with an expert now.

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How what exactly gynecomastia?

Eine Gynäkomastie ist eine Erweiterung der Brustdrüsen bei Männern, die zu einer Vergrößerung der Brust führen kann. Es kann sowohl bei Jugendlichen als auch bei Erwachsenen auftreten und kann ein oder beide Brüste betreffen.

Es gibt zwei Arten von Gynäkomastie: die physiologische und die pathologische Gynäkomastie. Die physiologische Gynäkomastie ist die häufigste und tritt normalerweise bei Jugendlichen während der Pubertät auf, wenn die Hormonproduktion im Körper unausgeglichen ist. Es ist in der Regel temporär und verschwindet von selbst.

Die pathologische Gynäkomastie tritt als Folge einer unterliegenden Erkrankung oder Medikamentenwirkungen auf. Zum Beispiel kann es durch eine Erkrankung der Leber, Nieren oder Schilddrüse verursacht werden, oder durch die Einnahme von bestimmten Medikamenten wie Anabolika, Antidepressiva oder Herzmedikamente.

Gynäkomastie Türkei

The best doctors in Turkey for gynecomastia

for the best satisfaction of our patients

We have a network of the best doctors in Turkey as a mediation agency. Our network consists of only the best of the best so that we can achieve the best result for you. No matter what surgery, we always have a doctor available. Get a free consultation now!

Only the best doctors from Turkey
Each physician has 10+ years of practice experience
"I had my nose operated at Cosmetic-OP and I am very very happy with the result. I had hardly any swelling and everything healed well and quickly. Thanks also to the nice team."
Tanja Schmidt
"I have had many procedures done at cosmetic op turkey I have always been very happy "
Maria Hochaus
"Thanks to Cosmetic-OP Turkey for the smooth operation! I am very satisfied with the final result and stay in Turkey!"
Nina Rajcovic
"Cosmetic-OP Turkey is in my opinion the best cosmetic surgery provider in Turkey. You can always be relied upon :)"
Tamara Binder

Questions & Answers about gynecomastia in Turkey

Below we answer frequently asked questions about gynecomastia in Turkey. We are also happy to advise you individually via WhatsApp or telephone.

There are several reasons why people might choose to have gynecomastia surgery in Turkey. Some reasons could be:

Cost effectiveness: gynecomastia surgery in Turkey can be cheaper than in other countries in some cases.

Quality of treatment: Turkey has invested in the field of medical care in recent years and is now a popular destination for patients from all over the world. There are many experienced doctors and modern medical facilities in Turkey.

Travel and Recreation Opportunities: Turkey is a popular tourist destination with many historical and cultural sites, beaches and other recreational opportunities that can allow patients to relax and unwind during their recovery.

The price of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the medical center chosen. However, in general, gynecomastia surgery in Turkey can be less expensive than in other countries.
An approximate estimate for gynecomastia surgery in Turkey is between 1,500 and 3,500 euros.

Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and tissue from a man’s chest. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

The duration of the surgery depends on the extent of the procedure and the individual case of the patient, usually the surgery lasts between one and four hours.

There are several methods that can be used for gynecomastia surgery, depending on the extent of the breast augmentation and the type of tissue that needs to be removed. The most common methods are:

Liposuction: this method involves the removal of fat through the use of a suction cannula. It is the most commonly used method in patients with low to moderate breast enlargement.

Excision: this method involves removing tissue through an incision. It is commonly used in patients with greater breast enlargement or benign enlargement of the mammary gland.

After surgery, drains are placed to facilitate the drainage of blood and wound fluid. The patient usually has to stay in the hospital for a few days and must take it easy and avoid physical exertion for the first few weeks after surgery.

The doctors in Turkey do not speak German, but you will be assigned a German contact person who will accompany you throughout your stay.

This person is available 24/7 for you and acts as a translator for the patient and the doctor.

Get a free consultation now and we will answer all your questions!

For more information about gynecomastia surgery in Turkey, simply fill out our interactive contact form.

You will then receive a free consultation from a German-speaking expert who will answer all your questions.

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