What is Post Bariatric Surgery?

Was ist Post–Bariatrische Chirurgie?
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Nowadays, people are in a sedentary lifestyle whether they like it or not. Severe weight gain occurs in both young and elderly people due to their eating habits and lifestyle.

People with a higher body mass index should apply for gastric reduction surgery to get rid of these problems.People who have tried other weight loss methods but have not benefited in any way can lose weight thanks to this type of surgery.

After stomach surgery, the person loses weight because they significantly reduce their diet. In other words, patients have a chance to be satisfied with small portions after stomach surgery. Postbariatric surgery is important for people who have had stomach surgery and similar weight loss surgeries.

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In other words, after the weight reaches its ideal point, post-bariatric surgery comes into play. The probability of deformation of the person’s body is very high due to the weight loss. However, it can be said that the degree of deformation is different for each person.

At this point, the process of gathering the deformed areas is called post-bariatric surgery. It can be said that the mentioned areas are the abdomen, the hips, the inside of the legs, the arms, the breasts and the cheeks.

Postbariatric surgery is a type of surgery that can be successful thanks to teamwork. It should be said that the results of this operation will be productive thanks to the help of the general surgeon, plastic surgeon, dietician and psychiatrist.

It is a nice development that a person who loses the weight they have wanted to lose for years realizes that the whole process does not end there. Postbariatric surgery should also be used to eliminate problems such as sagging of the body that occur after surgeries such as stomach reduction.

The main post-bariatric treatments are

  • 360 Body stretching
  • Arm stretching
  • Neck stretching
  • Thigh stretching
  • Breast Stretching

Dr. Yildirim

Expert in cosmetic surgery in Turkey.

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