Tube stomach or gastric bypass ?

Schlauchmagen oder Magenbypass ?
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The biggest advantage of gastric bypass surgery is its efficiency: patients lose up to 80 percent of their excess weight very quickly, so the results are visible quickly.

The rapid weight loss is partly due to the reduced stomach pouch, which can hold very little food, but also because the digestive process is bypassed.

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As a result, the body absorbs far fewer calories from food and the bowels are emptied more frequently.

Incidentally, in patients with type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels can be sustainably lowered after gastric bypass surgery, which means that many can even do without antidiabetic medication.

With a tube stomach, the absorption capacity of the stomach is also significantly reduced, which leads to a faster feeling of satiety and thus to weight reduction.

On average, patients with a tube stomach lose up to 60 percent of their excess weight, which is significantly less than with gastric bypass.

The advantage of the tubular stomach is that the digestive tract itself is not remodeled and the body can therefore continue to absorb nutrients.

The diet with a tube stomach is therefore bound to less strict rules than with gastric bypass.

Dr. Yildirim

Expert in cosmetic surgery in Turkey.

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